Please note: the below conceptual site plans are not related to the Sea Mills project and were conceived before the Bristol City Council community-led housing land disposal policy was announced.
Like our Vision and Values statement, the site plan is a collaborative effort that has evolved and is still evolving. The plan is our dream-like visualisation of what we would do with a square hectare of land and the spirit of the Tiny House Movement. Of course, this will be rationalised and developed when we have a real site, in collaboration with land surveyors, architects, permaculture consultants and other professional bodies.
Our concepts are presented on this space with the most recent first so if you would like to follow the development chronologically start at the bottom of the page and scroll up.
Drawing 1.4 is our latest conceptual site plan, and represents the result of further discussion surrounding sustainability (eco-laundrette), food production (a poly-tunnel for year-round veg) and member's well-being (baths & sauna)

Concept drawing 1.3 represents our thinking further along, to include...
Crop rotation in the centre of each housing bud (as we would like to produce a proportion of our own food), an area for perennial vegetables, and a play area for the children (or child-like adults :D ). The electric car-share is bigger in this drawing, as we learned that we might need to incorporate a larger number of parking spaces by law. We are hoping that because so many of our community members don't own a car (they cycle), we would like to be as sustainable as possible, and that it will be a car-share scheme, we will be able to significantly scale back this number). We would like to minimise the number of cars that our community need to put on the road for our daily activities.

The initial hand-drawn sketch was passed on to two members of the 'Tiny House Community Bristol' group. They put the details into CAD (Computer Aided Design), and used their own thoughts and ideas to come up with these two slightly different concept drawings. We collectively decided to go with concept 1.2; mainly for 2 reasons...Firstly, the uniform size of each plot meant that each resident would begin with the same size area to 'work with', which we felt was an equitable way to go. Also, the rectangular shape of the electric car-pool meant that we could fit more of the needed infrastructure into the space, and the space needed for the individual/uniform plot sizes was possible.

This sketch represents the initial concept, that was 'born' in the Facebook group 'Tiny House Community UK' back in October 2016. There were a few even more basic concept drawings before this one, but following a series of brainstorming discussions in the UK group, this is what we finally settled on. The different sizes of houses are to allow for individuals, couples and families.